This network aims to offer a stimulus for new directions in the study of cinematic intermediality, opening up fresh areas of research and creative pathways. It fosters dialogue and exchange between researchers from different Humanities disciplines (Film and Media Studies, Media Arts and Design, History of Art, Theatre and Performance, Modern Languages) and practitioners through a series of workshops and related public events. The workshops examine the ways in which the cinema references, incorporates and reframes other artistic practices, initiating fusions and crossovers between different media.

The border-crossings between cinema and the other arts that are at the centre of the project allow us to revisit questions regarding the specificity of the cinematic medium that are all the more pressing in our digital, ‘post-media’ age. By engaging researchers and practitioners in dialogue, the network seeks to broaden the traditional horizon of film studies, fostering a better understanding of the ways in which cinema is shaped by the other arts and providing a platform for reflecting on film’s status as an ‘impure’ medium where different art forms intersect and communicate.

Inserting itself into the burgeoning field of intermediality studies, which stimulates thinking across disciplines, the project makes a timely intervention in a more general debate about the relationship between different art forms.

Principal Investigator: Marion Schmid (University of Edinburgh); Co-Investigator: Kim Knowles (University of Aberystwyth)